
Resources to support the implementation of the Framework and provide further information about its design and development

Additional resources from the Advancing Teaching initiative are available below:

Open-source graphics from the Framework are also available to download and edit:

For academics

Career Framework for University Teaching

This document presents the Framework for use by academics seeking appointment, professional development and/or promotion. It can also be used by managers reviewing or evaluating appointment/appraisal/promotion cases. The document is structured around the three key questions that underpin each level of the Framework:

  • what is the academic’s sphere of impact in their teaching and learning activities?
  • what promotion criteria define the academic’s achievements in teaching and learning?
  • what forms of evidence can be used to demonstrate the academic’s teaching achievements?

April 2018

For university leaders

Roadmap for Change

Aimed at universities considering making changes to the way they recognise and reward teaching achievement, the Roadmap for Change is designed to help institutions avoid the pitfalls commonly associated with such reforms and to optimise the chances of a successful and sustainable change.

The Roadmap offers insight into how the process of reform might be planned and implemented. It draws on the experiences of universities that have engaged in changing institutional support and reward systems for teaching achievement, and is informed by in-depth interviews with individuals who played a key role in designing and delivering institutional reform at these universities. Based on these expert views, the Roadmap identifies strategies associated with successful changes to university systems for recognising and rewarding teaching.

May 2019

Introduction to the Framework

This summary document is aimed at senior university managers with an interest in adopting the Framework within their institutions. It addresses the following questions:

  • Why was the Framework developed?
  • How was the Framework developed?
  • Who should be using the Framework?
  • What does the Framework provide?
  • How can the Framework be used by universities?

April 2018

For the teaching and learning support and research communities

Career Framework for University Teaching: background and overview

Published in April 2018, the report provides background information on the Career Framework for University Teaching: how and why it was developed, and how it has been applied in practice. It describes the 15 university partners that have provided feedback on the Framework and case studies from how it has been used to inform change at universities from across the world.

April 2018

The two reports provide further information the Framework's development:

  • The interim Framework: an interim version of the framework was published in January 2016, which also contained further information about the context for the Framework’s development and the research underpinning its design.
  • Previous research: the framework builds on a report published by the Royal Academy of Engineering in March 2015 – Does teaching advance your academic career? – which looked at the perceptions of the recognition of teaching in academic promotion.
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Published January 2016

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Published March 2015

Career Framework for University Teaching, 2024