Working with university partners from across the world, feedback was captured on the design, approach and impact of the Framework, thus enabling iterative refinements to be made. Some universities based their feedback on a review of the written Framework while others based their feedback on their experience of using the Framework in practice, either by piloting it or by using it to inform a revision of their institutional reward/appraisal processes. In all, fifteen university partners engaged with the project, from 12 countries across the world.
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University partners include NUS (Singapore), UCL (UK), UNSW (Australia), MIT School of Engineering (US), UTM (Malaysia), the University of Twente (Netherlands) and Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)
Guidance is provided for current and potential university partners on how they can engage with the study and offer feedback on the Framework. Information is provided on the key questions that partner universities may wish to address.
Two meetings of the university partners have been held to date (in 2016 and 2017). They aimed to establish a community of dialogue and discuss ideas for the reform of university rewards and appraisal systems with respect to teaching.